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Ghar me ma-behen nahi hain kya ?

Broad idea of 'Ghar me Ma-Behen nahi hain kya ?'

Actually, latent idea of these remarks are to point out the significance of family as an institution. We can better understand significance of this remark in context of issues raised about human rights violations in North East, Kashmir and Pir-panchal regions of our nation-state. A state based apparatus is ought to exist to keep security agents accountable. This mechanism safeguard the state as a custodian of constitution and hold very idea of India as a nation. But, it is also imperative to understand the significance of social institution like family which implicitly infuse a sense of civil stability and sense of accountability directly to an actor. When the actor is blamed to have made a human rights violation, family as an institution can act as a reference for an actor. In order to act as an incharge of security, law and order situations, actor has to calibrate his actions in varying circumstances to remain accountable or commit an action for the larger cause of the society. Actor inherit the attributes from family to understand the significance of value of life, compassion, shared responsibility, unity and sacrifice. Next time, when they say 'ghar me ma-behen nahi hain kya', it is not a taunt but to remind you the importance of social institution named 'Family'.


  1. Nice Application of knowledge and common understanding.
    Some suggestions:
    Reduce the width of the column or divide it into 2 or 3 columns. It would improve the readability of the blog. You will then be able to write small paragraphs.

  2. Great resource – well described. I would like to add some points- No doubt family adds moral and social values to the core of ones life, but after this peer group plays vital role as well. There are many examples where person belonging to highly noble and polished family commited things completely unanticipated.

  3. Agreed,your viewpoint would bring more inclusivity to the case in discussion


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